1.Advace web designing 12th. Q7.
1.Advace web designing
Excercise: Q7:1) Write a program using html with
following CSS specification
1. The background colour of the
company name should be in
2. The text colour of the
company name should be red.
3. The heading should be large
with font ''comic sans ms''
4. The description of the
company should be displayed
in blue color in a paragraph.
Royal Farming
Pomegranate is one of the commercial fruit crops of India. It is native to Iran (Persia) . Pomegranate is known as a drought-tolerant crop, yet regular irrigation is mandatory to commercial yield production. Water levels and optimal irrigation regime depend on a plurality of factors as soil type, tree size, physiological phase, and potential evaporation. As a rule, the tree needs little supplemental irrigation. The commonly used irrigation regime in pomegranate orchards relies mainly on the experience gained by growers and less on formal experiments.